
Showing posts with the label Uncategorized

Filters For Landscape Photography

Filters are used in photography to bring back an image of how our eyes perceive the original scene. Sometimes our cameras can’t record an exact scene - so we have to rely on the manufacturers of camera products. Filters also help us to create mood in our images and bring out the best in a scene. A small selection of filters is well worth packing when heading off for a trip. They don’t take up too much space and will add a bit of spice to your images.

Digital Photo Gallery and Services

Are aging photos fading your favorite memories? Restoration: Let aging photos not fade your favorite memories. It could be your favorite old photo that got damaged, aged or simply the acid content in the paper, a photo that got stuck to the frame, exposure to elements- fading, a playful kid (or grown up), physical damage when you moved homes or those darn silverfish which just feed on your family treasures. We can restore the image to its original glory or improve on it. The result is archival quality and memories that can be preserved for years to come. All we need is a good quality scan - 300 dpi is a good start.