
Showing posts with the label Software

Adobe Photoshop

In the history of photography, there has never been a time that we can achieve such phenomenal results in editing as has happened in the digital age. And while there is a myriad of tools that the computer and internet have made available to us to enhance and change the images that come from a photo shoot, none can top the popularity and power of Adobe Photoshop. The program has become so synonymous with editing and creating effects that the term, “to Photoshop” has become a verb that means to enhance or alter an image.

Digital Photography Printing: Simplifying the Pixels and DPI’s

Digital photography printing has opened new avenues for amateur and professional photographers alike. For most photographers, the backup of digital photography printing offers unprecedented freedom to get the best shots. No more worrying about wasting that precious piece of film running out and not knowing for sure that anything worthwhile is on it! However, when it comes to getting the printing done, there are a few things one should keep in mind to prevent wasting too much of quality photo paper, and costly printing ink. In this article, we’ll review a few basic terms related to digital photography and offer a few tips on getting the best prints.

Digital Noise - What Is It? What Causes It? And How Can I Get Rid Of It?

Digital noise in photos taken with digital cameras is random pixels scattered all over the photo. It is a similar effect as “grain” in film photography, and it degrades the photo quality. Digital noise usually occurs when you take low-light photos (such as night photos or indoor dark scenes) or you use very slow shutter speeds or very high sensitivity modes.

Digital Photography Creating A Photo Collage

Creating A Photo Collage might seem like a difficult project but actually, it isn't, it will merely require a bit of time, practice, and patience for sure. It will call for your editing software, and that will usually come with your digital camera. Select the right software that you will require to assist you in creating your photo collage. By using digital photography you will be able to create the most awesome photo collages ever when you have worked out how to do it properly.

Digital Photography Lesson Strategy

More than likely some of your more recent goals would have been to take up a hobby that will include the latest in electronic gadgets. It will also encourage the mind to learn something new and at the same time allow you to indulge in a pastime that reflects your enjoyment of photography. Digital photography is an ideal hobby that mixes together all these three goals together. Now go out and purchase and learn to use your new digital camera.