
Showing posts with the label Printing

Digital Photography Printing: Simplifying the Pixels and DPI’s

Digital photography printing has opened new avenues for amateur and professional photographers alike. For most photographers, the backup of digital photography printing offers unprecedented freedom to get the best shots. No more worrying about wasting that precious piece of film running out and not knowing for sure that anything worthwhile is on it! However, when it comes to getting the printing done, there are a few things one should keep in mind to prevent wasting too much of quality photo paper, and costly printing ink. In this article, we’ll review a few basic terms related to digital photography and offer a few tips on getting the best prints.

A Photo Blanket: The Perfect Gift for Any Occasion

Have you ever sat in front of a computer, flipped through multiple store catalogs, or paced through the aisles at your local department store looking for the perfect gift for a friend or family member? If you have then you are not alone. Each day there are multiple individuals who need to purchase a special gift for a birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion.