Disposable Cameras for Weddings

Of course, disposable wedding cameras (also called single-use cameras) will never replace a professional photographer. But they could save money on the overall photo budget, provide memorable fun for you and your guests, and occasionally turn up a priceless casual shot.

Disposable low-price wedding cameras are a popular wedding favor at many wedding receptions. These cameras are placed on each wedding guest table, usually accompanied by a printed card encouraging guests to use these cameras throughout the reception to capture unforgettable moments that the professional photographer may miss. They also are a wonderful and fun activity for the guests.

While the professional photographer is busy orchestrating beautiful pictures of the wedding party and family, many things are taking place throughout the reception that are well worth capturing on film. Wedding guests may use these cameras just like any other camera, simply point and shoot.

There are a huge variety of choices. Disposable wedding cameras are available in many styles to accommodate just about any wedding theme. Most cameras include Kodak, Fuji or AGFA film with 15 to 27 exposures per camera; 24 exposures are the most common. Often you can save even more money by buying cameras in large quantities.

One popular choice is a unique low-price disposable wedding camera that includes 10 different backgrounds. You may also choose from different designs, colors, and lettering styles. When your photos are developed, the bride and groom, family members,s or friends will be surrounded by a beautiful background. One example is a wedding cake with a set of toasting glasses and the word "Wedding" appearing vertically on the left side of the photo. This kind of camera is only $6.75. Each wedding camera that includes backgrounds also includes a courtesy card to place on your guest table with a decorative imprint and instructions.

The bride and groom usually appoint a person to collect the cameras before the reception winds down, or they set a basket by the door for people to drop the used cameras into it and entrust someone to take the basket and bring it for printing. This trusted friend will drop the cameras in the mail and chances are good that the pictures will be waiting for the happy couple upon their return from their honeymoon. And along with the prints, the photos can be posted on a website so everyone can see and enjoy them.

Some companies offer low-price disposable wedding cameras, photo processing, and a customized photo website with a guest book afterward, all for one price. Customers save even more money by buying in quantity. If guests know they will have a chance to see and download their pictures, they will take much better pictures. Guests and friends can leave messages and wishes to each other in the free guestbook. Included with the cameras is a card for each guest to be placed on the tables with the cameras. On the card is the Internet address of the photo website so that the guests know they can see the pictures of the event afterward, a great way to extend the celebration.


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